Thursday, September 1, 2011

Little Sharkies

After sewing Tom's blanket and stuff yesterday, I was reminded about how much I like to sew. So tonight I took out my extra fabric and made some pillow squares for all of my nephews.

Tom's Baby Blanket

One of my coworkers is going to have a baby girl soon! So Chrissy and I decided to make a blanket.
Chrissy did a great job picking out this super cute fleece for the blanket.

While Chrissy was putting the binding around the blanket, I took the extra fabric and energized my creative side and came up with this:

The white things around the side are ribbons or tags because babies like the softness of tags and silky feeling things. And if Tom’s baby doesn’t like it then they can just use it as a burp rag.
I still had a little more fabric so I made a box too!

All together I think we did a good job and I hope the baby likes it!