Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Perfect Fit

Pants are my least favorite thing to buy because let's face it... I have a big butt. A big butt and a small waist so what fits my butt usually doesn't fit my waist and the pants that would probably fit my waist I can get over my butt. So if you didn't catch that, I don't like shopping for pants.

About 5 years ago I found the perfect pair of pants. Seriously. They were long, fit my waist and even made my butt look good.They are the jeans I like to think reeled Jon in and got him to fall in love with me (or at least my butt) Anyways I wore those jeans until they fell apart. Yup. Check them out. I can't throw them away because I love them so much but they are full of holes.

Well when I tore my first hole in those jeans I figured it would be a good idea to get another pair. I went to the store and they didn't have them! So I went online and they were discontinued there too! I was SO sad! I gave them up for loss and went back to wearing other jeans that were not perfect (by this point Jon had already married me so he was already locked in forever. hahaha!)

Well I was shopping last night and I walked past a rack of jeans that looked similar to the ones I had. I was even at the same store. So I looked at them, saw that the name was the name of the ones that I had, found my size and decided to try them on. I wanted to see if they brought them back or if they just made a different line and called them the same name.

They fit perfect! a little expensive but totally worth it!

Downstairs Bathroom

I actually completed one of my projects! I am surprised and proud of myself for completing it so quickly. I think the main reason was that I thought it was too cold to garden and I don’t want to work in the office. Plus remolding the bathroom is a lot more fun!

Last Friday we went to Menards and picked up all the materials. Saturday I painted the walls. Sunday was Easter so it had the whole day to dry. Tonight I put up the finishing touches.

I chose a bolder color for the bathroom. My inspiration was my bridesmaid dresses. I have a few pictures of our wedding hanging in the bathroom and I thought this might make the pictures stand out. I did not do a great job painting but that’s ok. I’m the one who sees all the flaws and if I’m ok with looking at them then everyone one should not care. Once the walls were painted I went through all my decorations that I like but do not have a place to put and started hanging them on the walls. I think I need a new curtain but otherwise I like it. What do you think?



Wall you see when walking into bathroom

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homemade Pizza Night

We made homemade pizza!
Chicken, bacon and alfredo pizza! Yum!

Jon loves stuffed crust pizza and we decided to try and make our own last night. Jon came up with the idea to take mozzarella string cheese sticks and put them in the crust. They actually turned out really good.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Projects

Since we have had such nice weather lately I am really getting anxious to start working on projects around the house. I have a ton of ideas of things I want to do but never actually do them. Since I’m feeling motivated I figure I should write them down and maybe I will actually complete them.


The first project is my garden! Every summer as I was growing up I helped my mom with her garden. Now that I have my own house I would like to have my own garden. I started some seeds inside which are growing extremely fast. I would love to plant these outside but first I need to decide where my garden should go, get all the tools and start getting the ground ready.

Downstairs Bathroom

When we bought the house I quickly chose colors for each room and then decided that I didn’t like any of the colors and want to change them all. The room that bothers me the most is the downstairs bathroom. Right now it’s painted light blue – I’m hoping to change that to something bold and I little more interesting.

Organize the Office

Eek! Is what I say every time I see/walk past/look at/think about this room. It’s a mess and I hate it. It’s packed full of all my craft and sewing stuff, important papers, books, supplies, storage, etc. It’s our everything room and I want to make it organized. I think this will be a great rainy day project since I will not need to be outside or have the windows open. So I’m praying for nice weather because I don’t want to work on this project.

Monday, April 2, 2012

New Shoes

I’m super excited about this post because I get to tell you about my new shoes!

I have plenty of shoes already but yesterday Jon took me to get a new pair of running shoes! My last pair I bought at the beginning of 2009 as I was training for the La Jolla Half Marathon. Since that time I’ve run countless amounts of miles including training for and running the Nerstrand Big Woods Run last fall. I think it was time for some new shoes. So we went to The Running Room on Grand Ave and started trying on shoes. I think The Running Room is the best place to get shoes. Every time I’ve gone there to get a new pair they are so focused on getting me shoes that will fit my feet that they even bring me shoes on clearance. I really appreciate that.

These are the shoes that I got! Aren’t they pretty?!?!

Thankfully they were cheap too! So that makes them even better!

I went for my daily run last night to break them in and shaved 30 seconds off each mile! I’m giving all that credit to my new shoes considering all I ate yesterday was pizza, doughnuts and pop - those foods will not help me run faster.

Overall our trip was successful. Jon even got a great pair of walking shoes! We are all set to get outside and get some exercise!