Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holly's Wedding

Jon's little sister got married October 7th! It was an eventful time so I'm going to try and sum everything up but I might miss some things and I'm sorry if I do.

The wedding was at the Profile Event Center in Minneapolis. It was a really nice venue and they were actually able to have the ceremony and reception in the same location, which I think was really cool.

The day started with me getting my hair done at the Aveda Insitute and then meeting Jon and heading over to the event center together. We got there, got dressed and ready and then went and took pictures at the Stone Arch Bridge area. It was an extremely windy day so we didn't stay out there long. We got back, took more pictures and then waited for the ceremony to start.

Jon and I walked out first and stood at the ends. The ceremony was only to last about 20 min - which should be easy right? Well do you want to know what happens when I don't get enough food or water in me?

That's right I fainted... twice. Never fainted before in my life. The second time I was apparently out for a little bit because I woke up and I was in Jon's arms and I was feeling extremely bad that I was causing all this commotion at Holly's wedding. They got me a chair and water and Jon stood next to me for the rest of the ceremony.

The ceremony, other than the part where I fainted, was actually really nice. The pastor talked about when you say "I do" you also say "I don't" to a lot of things. I had never heard it put in those words before so I thought he did a good job.

The food was really good (or I was just really hungry) and then there was ice cream and dancing. Jon was actually having so much fun and getting into it that he sprained his ankle.

Overall the wedding was a ton of fun but also hard on our bodies. Thankfully it was on a Friday so we had the rest of the weekend to recover.

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