Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Donation

For those of you who have loved ones or know people who've had to go through extensive medical treatments which caused them to loose their hair you know how difficult it is for them. In a world where it is already extremely difficult to find yourself and fit in, when you don't have hair it makes it even harder. Hair is one of those natural things that people have and everyone expects you to have and when you don't have it most people think it's weird or view you in a different light.

When I was in high school my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and I vividly remember when she started to loose her hair. We went wig shopping a few times and tried to find cute hats that would cover up her bald head. She was a little self conscious about it but once we got her a wig she felt better and liked the fact that she wasn't going to have to style her hair everyday. That's when I decided if I could donate my hair, have it made into a wig that will make someone who's already having a hard time feel better, that it is a good thing.

So today I donated my hair.

I got just over 12 inches cut off and I now have a awesome new hairstyle and my head feels so much lighter. My stylist said that I will be "able to jump higher and run faster" now that I have shorter hair.

I got my hair cut at Juut, which is my favorite salon. I love them because they usually do an awesome job and they use Aveda products and I love Aveda products. My stylist was Adam who is a New Stylist at Juut but did a fantastic job. Plus he's really nice so I recommend getting your hair cut by him if ever you go to Juut. Now any hair that is donated at Juut goes to Locks of Love and they send it for you. They also give you a complimentary hair cut because you are donating your hair. So it's a good deal, all you have to do is grow out your hair, make an appointment, get your hair cut at Juut and walk away with your beautiful new style.

Here are my before and after pictures.


  1. We want a front picture!! It looks awesome from the back!

  2. Cute! Looking forward to seeing it tonight!

  3. Love Love Love the new haircut and what an awesome thing to donate it! I miss you girl ;)
